Limited tickets may still be available, call the Grand Vision office at (310)833-4813 if you would like to purchase tickets to the 2025 Gathering for the Grand Gala.

The 2025 Gathering for the Grand

Honoring Andy Hill & Renee Safier of the musical group “Andy & Renee & Hard Rain”

Grand Vision’s 16th Annual Gathering for the Grand Gala will take place on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at the Palos Verdes Golf Club. This year’s theme is “Woodstock: A Peace, Love & Music Party,” honoring the beloved musical duo Andy & Renee. Dress up in your best hippie-inspired gala wear, enjoy groovy drinks, and rock the night away – with a special set of music by Andy & Renee & Hard Rain!

Proceeds benefit the Grand Annex Music Hall, our music education program Meet the Music and the historic Warner Grand Theatre.

2025 Gathering for the Grand Sponsors

Gala Invitation

Sandy Bradley

Alan & Liz Johnson
Malaga Bank
Nederlander Concerts
SA Recycling
West Harbor

Dougherty Company / Patriot Insurance Services
Mr. Marley
U.S. Bank

Athens Services
Bettis Insurance
Black Knight Patrol
Bravo Music School
Harbor Community Health Centers
Marathon Los Angeles Refinery
Scott Donnelly & Dr. Wade Nishimoto
Ray & Chika Kato
Rancho LPG
SoCal Gas
Philip Starr

The Daily Breeze
San Pedro Today

With Support from
Supervisor Janice Hahn
Councilmember Tim McOsker

Sandi Behar
Harris Realty
John & Lucrecia Jacobson
Betty Martin
Nathan MacAnish & Ryan Blaney
Jasna Penich
Rotary Club of San Pedro

“I look forward to attending the Gathering for the Grand Gala every year. It’s a fantastic, fun event, where you meet new people and reconnect with old friends too. It’s all for the benefit of improving our iconic Warner Grand Theatre and getting kids into the performing arts, which I believe in deeply.”

John Bagakis

President, San Pedro Chamber of Commerce

Sponsor the Gala

Connect with the Harbor Area’s enthusiastic performing arts audience.

Table – $2,100 (member) / $2,400

Table Benefits

Ten tickets. Listing in invitation and tribute book, name on event signage and table sign.

Bronze – $2,500

Bronze Benefits

Gathering Benefits
Table for 6. Quarter page color ad in tribute book. Name on sponsor banner and event promotions. Recognition from the stage and on slideshow.
Year-Round Benefits
Your name included on the Grand Annex lobby sign for one year, in two season mailers sent to 20,000 households and on website.

Silver – 3,500

Silver Benefits

Gathering Benefits
Table for 8. Half page color ad in tribute book. Name on sponsor banner and event promotions. Recognition from the stage, on slideshow.
Year-Round Benefits
Your name included on the Grand Annex lobby sign for one year and in two season mailers sent to 20,000 households. Donor thank you in one social media post and on website.

Gold – $5,000

Gold Benefits

Gathering Benefits
Front row table for 10. Full page color ad in tribute book. Name and logo on sponsor banner and event promotions. Recognition from the stage, on slideshow.
Year-Round Benefits
Your name and logo prominently displayed on the Grand Annex lobby sign for one year and included in two season mailers sent to 20,000 households. Donor thank you in one e-newsletter (circ. 8,500), two social media posts and on website.

Platinum – $10,000

Platinum Benefits

Gathering Benefits
Front row, center table for 12. 1-2 minute video about your company played during program. Full page color tribute book ad. Name and logo prominently featured on sponsor banner and event promotions. Recognition from stage, on slideshow.
Year-Round Benefits
Your name and logo prominently displayed on the Grand Annex lobby sign for one year and featured in two season mailers sent to 20,000 households. Donor thank you in two e-newsletters (circ. 8,500), three social media posts and on website.

Donate an Auction Prize

Donors are recognized on our website, e-newsletter (sent to 8,500), event signage and tribute book.

Advertise in the Gala Tribute Book

The printed full-color tribute book is given to all 300 attendees. For ad purchases that include artwork, a GVF staff member will be in touch!

“As a proud supporter of the Grand Vision Foundation, we applaud their accomplishments of artistic education and commitment resulting in a new generation of inspired youth. As a true community partner, their dedication energizes our relationship with the community and local businesses.”

Jasna Penich

CFO, Malaga Bank