Blurring the Color Line with Taiko panel discussion

Pictured: Dr. Deborah Wong, ManMan Mui, Sasen Cain, Carrie Alita Carter, Crystal Kwok & Brandi Waller-Pace (on monitor)

Thanks to the hard work of all the performers, presenters, staff and volunteers the Roots & Rambles event; Blurring the Color Line with Taiko was a huge success. 144 people participated in person and virtually with participants streaming in from 4 countries and 17 states. Even a class at Swarthmore college attended the event!



Underlying Grand Vision’s efforts is our belief that local arts have the power to bridge cultural boundaries and unite our community. That feeling of unity was evident in the room when participants sang and drummed “We Shall Overcome” to close out the evening.  As the event wrapped up the positive comments came pouring in, here are some of the things that were said:


  • Thank you all. It has been very eye-opening. – Chiara Parisi, via Zoom in Italy
  • …thank you so much for sharing this experience with us! It was very educational as Asian Americans are never mentioned during the segregation era. Appreciate this dialogue! … – Tomomi Hong
  • Thank you! Wonderful event. Please do more of these programs – anonymous survey response